Scheduling and Pay Procedures

All Referee Schedules will be sent out by Wednesday for the following Saturday and Sunday.

All travel referees will be scheduled via the BAYS website. If you cannot work your assigned game, please reject the game on the BAYS website and send an email to the referee coordinator. A complete schedule will be sent out by Thursday each week.

  • If you have not created a profile on the BAYS website, please do so as soon as possible.
  • Once that is completed, you will need to select the towns you wish to work in. Please select Medway so that we can schedule and pay you.

Referees MUST be at the assigned field at least 30 minutes prior to the start of the game. Coaches have been instructed to contact the referee coordinator 10 minutes prior to the start of the game if no referee is present. If you are late to an assigned game (meaning I get a call from a coach looking for a referee), you will not be scheduled the following week. Please be sure to plan for plenty of time to travel to your game.

All referees must report scores in order to be paid. Travel referees must complete the game report on the BAYS website. This includes ARs. Game reports should be completed by Tuesday.